Advertise on Wycombe Sound

Local radio for High Wycombe & South Buckinghamshire

Population area of 250k+

"Our mission is to enthuse, engage, inform, and entertain the local community while fostering connections and supporting local events and businesses"

Why Radio?

  • Radio allows for ultra-local targeting
  • Cost-effective vs other forms of media / impactful ads without breaking the bank
  • Radio is intrusive, unlike print or online, radio ads areharder to ignore
  • Strong emotional connection – it’s a trusted medium
  • Talk to the right people at the right time!
  • Radio delivers on average a £7.70 ROI

Why Wycombe Sound?

  • Wycombe Sound reaches a loyal and engaged estimated
    audience of over 30,000 listeners per week, who tune in
    for an average of 12 hours per week.
  • Wycombe Sound offers affordable and flexible
    advertising packages, tailored to your needs and budget,
    with options for spot ads, sponsorship, or features.
  •  Wycombe Sound supports your business, not only by broadcasting your message, but also by featuring your business through interviews, on our website, social media, and posts, and by inviting you to our events and networking opportunities.
"Thank you for their support they've giving this Football Club over the last 10 years it's great to have Wycombe Sound on board to help and support us and and to provide that feedback to the local community."
Matt Bloomfield
Wycombe Wanderers Manager
"We – the Wycombe Swan – have found tremendous success advertising and promoting our shows through Wycombe Sound Listening to Wycombe Sound feels like listening to your friends."
Wycombe Swan

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to celebrate the spirit of High Wycombe and South Bucks through the power of radio!

Our Partners

Asset 21

Get in contact

Wycombe Sound welcomes any business, organisation,
or individual who wants to advertise, support, or
sponsor the station, and join our growing community
of partners and friends

Photos copyright Aimee B Studio